Arid Lands Information Network is an International NGO that facilitate information and knowledge exchange between extension workers of arid lands communities in Kenya,Uganda and Tanzania .The information exchange activities focus on small scale agriculture ,climate change adaptation natural resource management and other livelihood issues through MAARIFA CENTRE(KNOWLEDGE CENTRE).
Shinyanga Maarifa Centre is one of ALIN branches which located at Shinyanga town near by Shinyanga regional Police block (Mazingira Centre) in Tanzania.The centre was started on 2007 between two collaboration institution Arid Land Information Network(ALIN) based in Nairobi (Kenya)and Natural Forest Resource Management and Agro Forestry Centre (NAFRAC) based in Shinyanga(Tanzania).
Enabling Access,Creating Knowledge and Empowering People
To improve the livelihoods of arid land communities in East Africa through delivery of practical information using modern technologies.