Monday, July 15, 2013


By:Innocent Minja
Arid Land Information Network (ALIN)through  Maarifa Centre together with the services offered at shinyanga maarifa centre include Library services , we are providing the secondary school books, Primary books,Agroforestry Agriculture ,Nursing, Laboratory  books and Video Library(DVD) and all services are offering free of charge to everyone who need the services without discrimination .
Library service.
Shinyanga Maarifa centre on library service is categorized into two parts include Books library (written document) and Video library (Video document) all these services offered at Maarifa Centre.
The corebussiness of ALIN(Farmers) according to the slogan of ALIN THREE (Enabling Access, Creating Knowledge and Empowering people)  makes  Shinyanga maarifa centre to empower them on the method of eliminate or reduce deforestation and land degradation as well as Climate change adaptation on using traditional energy through Improved Cook stove where by the group of Fifteen people were participated on viewed the Video of it at Maarifa Centre before going to the field for the further training whereby twenty three(23) farmers include local artisan were trained by using video clip which we have at Maarifa and seven(7) local artisan were qualified and are already build two stoves at Bulima includes Paul chalo,Jackson Lulinda,Mabanha mayega,Nyalulu Duda ,Tanaely Buganga ,Luhende John and Clement Tarange.Apart from Local artisan training we also have the student who learn on health and birth at Maarifa centre by using the books (material)we have at Maarifa centre include the HIV/AIDS protection to the pregnant women which are very interactive for the participant we are training over forty five(45) participant include Men and Women around Maarifa Centre and for those who live away from Maarifa Centre like Bulima and
 Kahama we are conducted the training through demonstration with collaboration of UMAT and AGAPE. 
Shinyanga Maarifa centre  through Library (video library)improved the health life for the farmers at Bulima  especially the women by using the strategic plant of reducing the number of Children for each family (Family plan) according to the life cost(Hard life standard) as we know you can found the village women carried a baby together with a load of fire wood on her head coming back to farmer for cultivation and most of the Men are non-cultivating people in the society especially on food production. They are pretending that only women are responsible for child care include food. After getting training and build two stoves for demonstration the family where by the stoves were placed (planted)they are happy to have the tool which may help them to use a little number of firewood which may also help them to reduce the distance of seeking the firewood compare with what they did now. 
Through video training (demonstration) people see what they suppose to visually and train them theoretically the same time which led them to appreciate the services offered by Maarifa Centre include
Mr. Marco Lucas: Thanks ALIN through Maarifa Centre (Shinyanga) for the training you gives us for Health and Birth together with Improved stoves training for our local Artisan through Video viewing (demonstration) as Maarifa centre member I real appreciate for the effort made by our field Officer Mr Innocent Minja not only he was creating Knowledge but also creation of employment to our local artisan in village.