Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Chausiku Dotto; The Maarifa centre has really changed my life and I am very happy. For a long time I was at home doing nothing until one day when a friend of mine told me about the Shinyanga Maarifa centre. I went there filled an application form and was enrolled in computer training. I learnt word, excel, PowerPoint internet and e-mailing packages. I used the Maarifa certificate to search for a job opportunity where I secured one as manager of a stationary shop. My main duties include, typing, photocopying, binding, designing cards, lamination and binding among many others. Thanks to Maarifa
centre, my life has changed completely, I am a better person now!

Gaudancia Jackson; I was told about the Maarifa centre by a friend who saw the advertisement on free computer training, I never knew anything about computers, even knowing there is something called a mouse, I was trained on 5 computer packages and I am very grateful, I got an employment opportunity just after completing computer classes .I now run a stationary and mobile phone (Vodacom) shop. I am very happy because I can now support my family who are struggling to make ends meet. I recommend other people to go to the Maarifa centre and use the opportunity.

Participation at Graduation ceremonies in Kinaga and Shinyanga Maarifa centres

Kinaga Graduation ceremony: The ALIN team participated at two graduation ceremonies held at Kinaga and Shinyanga. This was meant to strengthen the FO’s work and to ensure that communities take the maarifa centre initiatives on ICT trainings more seriously. At Kinaga, the graduation ceremony was overseen by all stakeholders and the Kinaga ward councilor Mrs. Mary Manyambo and the school headmaster Mr. ……………. During a brief speech to the participants, Mr. Noah advised the graduates to exercise use of their new skills through voluntary work to support schools, hospitals and farmers to digitize their activities. He further encouraged them to take lead in using emerging e-opportunities to initiate their own enterprises.

The participants at Kinaga were trained by ALIN FO with support of Mwalimu Victor Gilbert. A total of 52 out of which 33Male and  19 were women were trained and graduated. According to MS Yunis Paulo Edward she thanked ALIN for the dedication in offering the training. She’s now competent and got a job at a stationery shop because her ICT competence. More ICT testimonies are captured in the next section.

Shinyanga Graduation ceremony: The Shinyanga graduation ceremony was witnessed by NAFRAC representative as host institution with some of the advisory committee members. The ceremony was held at the VIP parlor within Mazingira centre. To crown the excited trainees who had successfully completed the training, Mr. Omar representing NAFRAC and Esther Lungahi representing ALIN officially awarded the certificates. More than 104 trainees received their certificates. Majority of the graduates had secured jobs in stationary shops and as Mpesa agents at Shinyanga hence praised the ICT training initiative by ALIN as pioneering in their lives!

The graduation ceremony was graced by various speakers ranging from the Shinyanga Field Officer Mr. Innocent Minja, Advisory Chairman also representing NAFRAC management Mr. Omar, Esther Lungahi of ALIN Nairobi. Mr. Noah Lusaka while delivering a key note address explained the need for undertaking exams from a certified IT institution because the one given by ALIN is for participation. Additionally he encouraged the graduates to spread the benefits further by encouraging many people to come and use the Maarifa centre services. ‘The use of library and internet resources to initiate own projects or enterprises is quite low!’ said Mr. Lusaka. He thanked NAFRAC management on the continuous support to the Maarifa centre.

Mr Wilison Malongo one of ICT participant holding his ICT Certificate at Shinyanga Maarifa.

Mr Noah Lusaka akimkabidhi cheti Ms